Dr. Ashley Stewart-Tufescu, PhD, RSW
Dr. Ashley Stewart-Tufescu is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Social Work, a Scientist with the Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM) and a Research Affiliate with the Centre for Human Rights Research and the Master of Human Rights program in the Faculty of Law at the University of Manitoba. She is a founding member of the Childhood Adversity and Resilience (CARe) Research Team and completed her post-doctoral training in epidemiology with Dr. Afifi.
2008-2010 Master of Science, “Post-traumatic stress symptoms in siblings exposed to intimate partner violence: The role of the mother-child relationship”
2011-2018 Doctor of Philosophy, “Assessing the transportability of a violence prevention parenting program in three diverse country contexts”
Dr. Stewart-Tufescu’s research program is multi-disciplinary, international in scope and practice, and founded on universal human rights principles. Her work aims to: (1) prevent violence against children by implementing and evaluating evidence-based interventions to promote healthy child development, enhance family relationships, and support community well-being; and (2) address the historical and contemporary social injustices, systemic barriers, and policy and legislation that normalize and perpetuate childhood adversity and the associated intergenerational transmission of trauma.
Currently, Dr. Stewart-Tufescu’s research spans 19 different countries throughout Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, North America, and South East Asia, including many under-resourced regions. As a Registered Social Worker, Dr. Stewart-Tufescu’s direct practice is in the community, where she engages with local not-for-profit family-serving organizations. In this context, she aims to further professional development opportunities and knowledge mobilization efforts to support practitioners and caregivers in preventing childhood adversity and gender-based violence from a trauma- and violence-informed perspective.
Awards and Recognitions
2021 Merit Award Nominee for Research, Scholarly Work, and Other Creative Activities, University of Manitoba.
2020 Distinguished Alumni Award for Community Service Nominee, University of Manitoba.
2018 Applied Health Sciences Nominee Governor General’s Gold Medal Award.
2018 Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba Post-doctoral Health Research Fellowship
2018 Nahlah Ayed Prize for Student Leadership and Global Citizenship (Nominee)
2017 Applied Health Sciences Research Day Award- Oral Presentation
2016 Applied Health Sciences Research Day Award- 3MT
2014 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship
2014 Applied Health Sciences Travel Award
2013 University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (Doctoral)
2012 Applied Health Sciences Research Day Award (Doctoral)
2011 University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (Doctoral)
2011 Applied Health Sciences Travel Award
2009 University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship (Master’s)
2009 Canadian Student Health Research Forum- Dean of Graduate Studies Poster Award

Room 418A Tier Building
173 Dafoe Rd
University of Manitoba
Fort Garry campus
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada