Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Child Maltreatment (CM), and Potentially Psychologically Traumatic Events (PPTE) among Cadets Entering the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Depot Program
MacGowan, L., Teckchandani, T.A., Jamshidi, L., Caissie, D.M., Taillieu, T., Garces-Davila, I ., McCarthy, J-A., Lix, L.M., Stewart, S., Sauer-Zavala, S., Carleton, R.N. & Afifi, T.O.

Child Abuse Trends in Canada: Comparisons of 2012 and 2022 National
Prevalence Estimates and Examining Differences by Age Cohort, Sex, and
Sexual Identity
Julie-Anne McCarthy, Ana Osorio, Lauren MacGowan, Tamara L. Taillieu, Ashley Stewart-Tufescu, Jitender Sareen, Harriet L. MacMillan, Lil Tonmyr, Ian Colman, Mark A. Ferro, Kelly K. Anderson, Jordan Edwards, Tracie O. Afifi.

The relationship between childhood adversity and resilience among RCMP Cadets: Evidence from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Study
Garces-Davila, I. , T. A., Teckchandani, Jamshidi, L., Caissie, D.M., Taillieu, T., McCarthy, J-A., MacGowan, L. , Lix, L.M., Stewart, S., Sauer-Zavala, S.R., Carleton, N. & Afifi, T.O.

Examining Associations between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Potentially
Psychologically Traumatic Events and Mental Health among Royal Canadian Mounted
Police (RCMP) Cadets entering the Depot Training Program
J-A McCarthy, T.A. Teckchandani, L. Jamshidi, D.M. Caissie, T.L. Taillieu, L. MacGowan, I. Garces
Davila, L.M. Lix, S.H. Stewart, S. Sauer-Zavala, G.P. Krätzig, J. Sareen, R.N. Carleton, T.O. Afifi